nixodemus1's blog

Just a blog used to update people about my progress on various video games, animations, comix, and other projects that I will do in the future

Hi. I'm nixodemus1. nice to meet you.

I guess I'm the new guy. Thats a weird feeling. Well, Hello. I'm Nixodemus1. I am a game designer, animator, and comic book creator. some of my works include the comics ComiX,  and Exorcist: ~gods royal battalion~ and something I am working on right now, the video game counterparts for the comics: Exorcist: BLACK REIGN & ComiX: Battle Royal. I am diligently working on all these projects, plus as a last minute decision will be adding one more project to the list. I'm leaving that surprise for the next blog. I will probably primaraly use this blog to update people on my comics, games, animations, and/or anything else I'm working on.  This blog will also probably be where I let off steam and just post some random thoughts I have. I am very excited to be starting this new blog with the people of hatena. Now for the million dollor question probably on everyone's mind: "why hatena blog?" well, I realized I still had my Hatena ID and unfortunetaly those of us in the U.S. are probably not going to see hatena for the 3DS for a long... long time. Either that or we will never see it. So, I thought "after all the flipnotes I did, and friends I made, I'm not letting my ID go to waist." so I joined up. So I will probably just be reposting news on here from my other 2 blogs for the games and comics. Though, I will be posting some miscilanious blogs that I usually wouldn't post on my official blogs. Also, thanks to the new project I'm doing just for Hatena, you'll also only be able to get news about it here. Since I'm terrible at keeping secrets, I'll give you a small hint. I'm brining back an oldie with a new twist on it. ;)